Sunday, December 03, 2006

Oh my its been probably over a month since I blogged anything, But I'm back and with a vengence so its comming back at you.

Hey you remember when we talked about the "Uncanny Valley". That stuff is so true. To explain how this work, is pretty esay. In the graph you see where how people respond to different stimuli visuually. Things such as toy bears all the way to industrial robots. The interesting thing about this is that I saw an ad on T.V. where they sell/ promoting this new horse for Barbbie. Its really creapy and one of the reasons why is because its why to realistic. Its still looks like a Barbbie product but what the weirdness of movement thats not natural and the eyes. So all I have to say that this, "theory" may not so so off. Just think about. You go around and look at thingsthat generally creep you out and see if it falls into the Uncanny valley.


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