Hey all, read or die…is a great anime! I recommend watching it, cough. Its time for a nice healthy blog. Mmm blogging.
So after looking of a couple of the blogs, I saw something interesting about Star Wars, and it made me think about Davis Hall. Which is better, a Jedi or a Ninja. The whole confusion with that act, it never got settled. So I am here to repremen this debate.
I feel, personally that Ninjas are much better then a Jedi. Come on really, 1.) a Jedi is just a future Ninja. With that said I really don’t need to elaborate, but I will because I need at least half a page or text. Davis Hall actor, Ben Davis, brought up the fact that Jedi have the “force” and crap like that. Needless to saw that Ninjas can do all that and more. We’ve all seen “A Ninja pays half my Rent,” and we all know how awesome that was. I recommend seeing Ninjai. Its completely done in flash and it is pure perfection. Ask Leeper about it.
In this paragraph I’m should talk about Jedi but that’s not really worth my time. I have nothing left so…
So after looking of a couple of the blogs, I saw something interesting about Star Wars, and it made me think about Davis Hall. Which is better, a Jedi or a Ninja. The whole confusion with that act, it never got settled. So I am here to repremen this debate.
I feel, personally that Ninjas are much better then a Jedi. Come on really, 1.) a Jedi is just a future Ninja. With that said I really don’t need to elaborate, but I will because I need at least half a page or text. Davis Hall actor, Ben Davis, brought up the fact that Jedi have the “force” and crap like that. Needless to saw that Ninjas can do all that and more. We’ve all seen “A Ninja pays half my Rent,” and we all know how awesome that was. I recommend seeing Ninjai. Its completely done in flash and it is pure perfection. Ask Leeper about it.
In this paragraph I’m should talk about Jedi but that’s not really worth my time. I have nothing left so…
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