Monday, October 23, 2006

So For the last couple of blogs, I actually wrote them In Windows Word because our internet isn’t on its better side. But hey I’m here to blog about children movies and why parents let them see it when it might be bad. Lets go!

So in class, we were talking about capitalism and socialism but I don’t really mind for that. Children movie ratings though is important and how we as animators or film makers decide what we do. The point that I’m trying to get at is that, I managed a movie theater for two years. And I would see crowds and crowds of kids go see a movie like “Mean Girls.” Granted that it is a good movie, but I would want my 10 year daughter to go see that. The other things is that the film makers don’t care what they make as long as the get a large return on it. Is money really that much important over our morals and values? I would hope not.

The year that I’ve been year I learned a couple of things about myself land my art. Despite that I want to make video games, I still have some what of a decicion that I put into the games I help make.


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