Monday, December 04, 2006

Michael Spooner

So since attending Huntington University, there is at least one thing that I will take with me forever. Last year I met Tom B. one lead animator of movies such as (BEWARE OF NAME DROPS) Aladdin, Lion King, and Mulan. Acutally he design Mushu.

This Year I get the privillge to sit down and talk with Michael Spooner. The concept artist of Treasue Planet, Shrek, and Emporior's New Grove. He is a pretty interesting guy especially one on one. Its really nice to talk to people have have the jobs that you wish and urge that you had. They give you heads up on what you might want to look into before you graduate and just advice for how to go through the industry.
In our storyboard class we talk about how are video games are at present time and how we can change how people view the gaming world. Making a portfolio that is the outward embodyment of you and your work. Needless to say that I learned a couple of things. I look forward to the next professional to come and share wisdom.


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