The Hedgehog and the Fog
This was a really coo little animation. I think it was done with puppets but not sure. The fog was awsome. It amazes me what you can do with the littlest things. Now a days you see people with all this technology make these crapy films, and trust there will be more...much more, and then you see things like this.
I'm not sure if its this one or another one, but I think Co was an adviser in this. I may be wrong so don't quote me on this. It does have a Co-esc feel to it. I realy enjoy the part in the fog when hes lost and look both ways searching for the way out. And he has tha package with him. I don't remember this to much to be honest but I remember jest of it and I know I liked what I saw.
On another hand I went and saw Happy Feet. Yea I know, but just hear me out, if you're still reading, This was a pretty good film. One of the things that I remember Leeper saying is "There will be 20 great years of films and 20 bad years of film" in reguards to 3d animations. With tech. being so widely avavible to people, just about anybody can make it. And with people out ther just looking to make some money and throw out what ever kids film that can just because 3d, its going to be a bad movie. But none the less, despite I ididn't pay, I enjoy happy feel very much. Check it out
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